In spring, flowers also enter the kitchen!

Spring has finally arrived, as always, given the seasonality that characterizes our cuisine, fried flowers cannot be missing from the appetizers….

Freshly picked, with all their fragrance and persistent scent, Acacia and Elderflower flowers are used, which after a light battering are ready to go into the pan, where after a quick fry they come out crispy and even more fragrant.

Served instantly as an appetizer, they definitely bring a message to the table: Bon Appetito!!

After all… Say it with flowers, right?

Wolves, foxes and hares at night!

When the sun sets, even on the coldest winter nights, the activity at the Casina does not stop, quite the contrary! At this moment, all the animals that are more shy and suspicious during the day start their show! Here are some of the stolen images and videos where Wolves, foxes and hares are the undisputed protagonists, a symptom of a natural environment in excellent shape!

Ecco un tris di lupi servito!!

Booking award 2021

To our great satisfaction, Booking, our major online booking partner, acknowledged the great satisfaction our guests show with their opinions on the structure and on the experience they have lived with us. This gives us great satisfaction as the purpose we set ourselves in making our type of farm is just that. Our mission is to immerse those who visit us in the Tuscan reality, a reality made of nature, history, tranquility, slow rhythms and good food. We will not see this result achieved as an arrival point but as an excellent starting position to further improve the level of the living room in all its components. Surely those who come to visit us at this moment need all this and we want to meet their expectations with greater strength, also for ethical reasons. Again thanking those who contributed their opinions to this good result, we greet with enthusiasm those who will come to visit us in the future.

Eliana e Nicola

Our friends wild boars…

Also this year the show of our wild boar friends has started !! In the early morning you can see grazing around our fence, and being able to observe them calmly it is easy to distinguish the adults of two or more years (they are the largest and black in color), the young one year old (the gray ones) and the young born quest year that still have brown fur with characteristic streaks.

In this period it is also possible to better distinguish the adults between males and females since the breastfeeding females move with the pack of wild boar in tow !! Unlike the “city” wild boars, ours are always on alert, here they are hunted by wolves and humans, so at the slightest noise they can be heard among them with a characteristic grunt and flee.

Pink bow to the Casina!!

Today our two Tibetan goats, Margot and Lupine, made us a surprise !! The little Fujiko was born (yes, Japanese cartoons have marked us !!!;)). Less than a kilo of sympathy on four disproportionate legs … We immediately commit ourselves to trying to familiarize ourselves with the little one to make her become the most docile and affectionate for our little future guests !! A sign of hope and optimism in this complicated moment !!!

The wood heats you three times…

There is a saying: “the wood heats you three times …”. In practice it means that with wood you have to warm up a first time when you cut it. The second is when you put it in the woodshed after the seasoning at the end of summer. Finally the third time when you burn it, maybe in our fireplace, in front of a good dinner … certainly the most pleasant !!

There is a saying: “the wood heats you three times …”. In practice it means that with wood you have to warm up a first time when you cut it. The second is when you put it in the woodshed after the seasoning at the end of summer. Finally the third time when you burn it, maybe in our fireplace, in front of a good dinner … certainly the most pleasant !!